"The Vote" | A horror short story

Every choice cuts deep.
"The Vote" | A horror short story

Through blistering wind and sopping rain, the creed can’t be ignored.

You know that.

We’ve lived our lives in service of it. Now the time has come again to perform community, for the sake of a grand cause.

Where am I going? I’m headed out. I’ll meet you at the place where the arch of darkness harnesses the will of that vengeful spirit. Don’t forget your phone.

What are we doing? You understand I can’t disclose all to you. That’s not the way this works. Written is sacred. Scared? Don’t be. There’s a reason we’ve set it up this way.

Secret measures we must all keep as we move among the villages ravaged by fauna, spiders hanging in wait shielding trodden paths through the wet forest winding and twisting to an abandoned waterway, linking a bat haven of spiked stalactites pointed to a gaping gap to hell, jealous whispers flying against 外人 lips, shh they can’t know – never tell them, keep pace and keep your place, that’s all you need to do. Understand?

You see, now we’ve arrived. The next pass point. Here the forest is too thick to think, rest a while. Out here, no glowing storefronts. No hum of refrigerators to break the silence. Just you and that precious cargo in the pack.

Our livelihood depends on its faithful delivery. Dogs howl, cats mew, birds swoop before darkness falls. How do you live like this, you ask?

We have since the old times. Land of the seven deities, mud crusted blood in their backs before the field of corpses (slayed, by them of course). It was a peaceful time. One when I roved to hovels of the low ones, only to ascend to the greatest heights. I was a scribe. A writing wretch saving words for the ones with great ability.

I was content with my existence as you should be for yours. To be 選択した for this errand is quite an achievement, for you. Anyway, I was content, happy, until one of my own received a note, much like the one you carry.

That was a dark day.

Those awful groans, the streaks of split nails down to the bed when they pulled him out – wow… well that’s enough. We should continue on. Still have a lot of ground to cover.

The leaves behind us shift, though no wind stirs. The ferrymen have passed through here recently. Their scent clings to the air—cold iron and rotting wood. Don’t rest too long.

Wake up!

You fell asleep! I know you’re tired, but this is a dangerous place to do that. Trees close in overhead, swallowing the moon. Stars flicker and vanish behind clouds. Move too fast, and you’ll end up there.

見てるか? That patch of lazy leaves? It’s no wind trick. A pit is back there. So deep no one knows the depth. That’s not the only obstacle. Twin ferrymen inhabit this part of Yanbaru. Who are they?

The last two you want to see wandering here in the dead night as we do now.

The last two you will see if they see you first.

Paddlers to hell, no mercy to sell – passengers who accept a ride float to oblivion and are never seen again. Keep your eyes forward.

You still have it don’t you?

It’s morning and we’ve almost reached the others. If we don’t have it, if YOU don’t have it the procedure can’t go on.

There it is. Don’t scare me like that.

You were weighted walking, dragging as a snail does, cone-bound soft, a stain of sorrow trailing behind – pitiful thing.

Stay close, we’ve arrived to open glade where the deal goes down. Follow my lead.

“おはようございます! I see you’ve brought someone else to our… selection. Good, that’s good.

“Yes I did. They’ve been very cooperative. See they even brought the ballot. (Show them).”

“Very good, this year’s vote is so important. It’s so exciting to see who will be chosen. Ready to decide join the others? I’ll meet you there.”

You’re fortunate to be here. We don’t normally let outsiders in. But listen, once the vote begins, there’s no talking until the end ね?

The last vote cost us two. They never even screamed when the blades went in. Be grateful you’re just observing.

There’s five voters, me, four others and you’ll be an observer. It’s easy.

What are we voting on?

Be patient to find out. Shh, it’s starting.

“Is everyone here?”


“Please cast your votes via the written ballot. Once submitted, all votes are final. Number five, you’re up first.”


“Number four?”


“Number three?”


“Number 二?”


“Number one?”

“Number one, where is your vote?”

It’s here, standing beside me.

“Hmm, this is unusual, but there’s nothing in our regulations against it. I’ll tally the votes. しばらく待ってください。

Thanks for seeing this through. I knew you’d do well. It had to be you.

“Well everyone, the decision this time was unanimous. Since Number one went through trouble, we’ll go with this one. Bring out your blades!”

The others step forward, the blades catching the weak morning light, edges dark with old stains. You open your mouth to protest, but the words shrivel on your tongue. Too late. The blades are already in hand.

No hard feelings. ごめん。

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