Tower of Babbling: Mongolian

Day 1
Started with a tough sentence breakdown.
Took me near half an hour to type it out then transcribe it on paper. Exhausting.
But my Cyrillic improved.

(This sentence is from a book I got in Mongolia)

Translate the following sentence from Mongolian into English and provide a grammar breakdown (in English)
Тийм болоод ч тэр, төрийн цагаан сүлдний тахилын бичгээ (уул ны,цагаан дээр хараар бичсэн бичиг)ихэд өргөмжилж, хүндэтгэн, бэлгэдэж нэрлэхдээ ийн "алтан бичиг" хэмээжээ.
Let's break down the Mongolian sentence: "Тийм болоод ч тэр, төрийн цагаан сүлдний тахилын бичгээ (уул ны,цагаан дээр хараар бичсэн бичиг)ихэд өргөмжилж, хүндэтгэн, бэлгэдэж нэрлэхдээ ийн "алтан бичиг" хэмээжээ."
Word-by-word translation and analysis:
- Тийм: That, thus, so.
- болоод: Having become, and so. This is a conjunctive form of the verb "болох" (to become).
- ч: Even, also. This particle adds emphasis or indicates inclusiveness.
- тэр: That (referring back to something previously mentioned or implied).
- Тийм болоод ч тэр: Therefore, even so, thus it is. This phrase sets a context or provides a reason for what follows.
- , (comma): Separates the introductory phrase from the main clause.
- төрийн: Of the state, state's. This is the genitive case of "төр" (state).
- цагаан: White.
- сүлдний: Of the banner/standard/emblem. Genitive case of "сүлд" (banner, standard, emblem). In this context, it refers to the state's white banner or emblem.
- тахилын: Of the sacrificial/dedicatory. Genitive case of "тахил" (sacrifice, offering, dedication).
- бичгээ: The writing/inscription (accusative case). "Бичиг" means writing, inscription, or document. The "-ээ" suffix marks the accusative case, indicating the direct object of the verb.
- (уул ны,цагаан дээр хараар бичсэн бичиг): (Mountain's, writing written in black on white). This is a parenthetical explanation or description of the inscription.
- уул ны: Of the mountain. Genitive of "уул" (mountain). It likely refers to an image or representation of a mountain on the banner.
- , (comma): Separates the elements within the parenthesis.
- цагаан дээр: On white. "Цагаан" (white) + "дээр" (on, upon).
- хараар: In black, with black. "Хар" (black) + "-аар" (instrumental case, indicating the means or instrument).
- бичсэн: Written. Past participle of "бичих" (to write).
- бичиг: Writing.
- ихэд: Greatly, highly, very much.
- өргөмжилж: Exalting, glorifying, honoring. Conjunctive form of "өргөмжлөх" (to exalt, glorify, honor).
- , (comma): Separates the verbs in the series.
- хүндэтгэн: Respecting, honoring. Conjunctive form of "хүндэтгэх" (to respect, honor).
- , (comma): Separates the verbs in the series.
- бэлгэдэж: Symbolizing. Conjunctive form of "бэлгэдэх" (to symbolize).
- нэрлэхдээ: In naming/when naming. "Нэрлэх" (to name) + "-дээ" (a suffix indicating the time or circumstance of the action).
- ийн: Thus, in this way.
- "алтан бичиг": "Golden writing/inscription." This is a quotation, the name given to the inscription. "Алтан" means golden.
- хэмээжээ: They called/named it. This is a past tense form of "хэмээх" (to say, to call, to name).
English Translation:
Therefore, they greatly exalted and honored and symbolically named the inscription of the state's white banner (the writing written in black on white, [representing] the mountain), thus calling it "Golden Writing."
Grammar Breakdown (English):
The sentence begins with an introductory phrase explaining the reason or context. The main part of the sentence describes the actions taken regarding the inscription: exalting, honoring, and naming it. The actions are expressed using conjunctive verb forms, which link them together. The parenthetical phrase provides a description of the inscription itself. The quotation marks indicate the name given to the inscription.
Key Grammatical Features:
- Conjunctive verb forms: Used to link verbs in a series, indicating simultaneous or sequential actions.
- Genitive case: Used to indicate possession or belonging.
- Accusative case: Used to mark the direct object of a verb.
- Instrumental case: Used to indicate the means or instrument by which an action is performed.
- Parenthetical phrase: Used to provide additional information or explanation.
This detailed breakdown should give you a good understanding of the Mongolian sentence's structure and meaning.