Galactic Disruptions (Courtesy of Your Local Cyborg) – (Microfiction)

By khayden


When they rolled out the blueprints for the Longbow, a ripple of anticipation coursed through the room, but within Thoko, a single thought resonated: silence, vast and final.

Their bulk shifted uncomfortably in the too-sleek chair, a reminder of both their prairie-born physique and unconventional presence in this sleek, corporate venue.

Years as a tireless advocate for sustainability momentarily flashed by – countless forums, sincere appeals backed by meticulously compiled research, those infuriating debates… All for what? This weapon, elegant in its destructive promise, would likely render that work moot.

It was Mai’s Coming of Age ceremony that pushed Thoko beyond mere resignation.

Not the celebration itself – elasticity-inducing implants were commonplace now – but the sheer excess of it. Floating banquet tables laden with delicacies flown in from distant coastal farms, dancers augmented to near-inhuman flexibility… and Mai at the center, practically vibrating with pre-launch excitement.

The Mystery Longbow was to be her ‘graduation project,’ presented with that overly articulate manner common to privileged youth. As if exploring a newly charted asteroid was mere adventure.

Whispers of potential dangers barely registered under the awe about what Mai might discover – resources to be exploited, lifeforms untouched. And then, of course, the inevitable deafness the Longbow might inflict. Another ‘minor risk’ easily dismissed, all for galactic glory.

The absurdity of it all wrenched a laugh from Thoko, the sound muffled by the party’s din. A lifetime of careful, well-intentioned advocacy upended by a teenager’s ambition?

No. Despite their usual contentment, a sliver of long-dormant rage surfaced. Thoko’s secret burden of debt – masked by a carefully fabricated inheritance tale – suddenly felt less pressing. Those sacrifices, meant to ensure financial freedom to pursue their cause, now seemed absurdly pointless.

The blueprints floated back into focus. There were always flaws, loopholes buried in the fine print. Thoko wouldn’t stop the launch, not with their well-off image to consider. But perhaps they could disrupt the mission, buy time to remind this star-drunk society what truly mattered. Mischief sparked their adaptability, previously focused on legal maneuvers and gentle persuasions. Thoko had resources, the kind born of necessity, not youthful entitlement. It was time to weave a few inconvenient glitches into the Longbow’s galactic itinerary.

A little turbulence, an unexpected encounter fueled by well-placed misinformation… The possibilities for technologically-induced ‘accidents’ were delightful. It wouldn’t save the world, but it might shake the glitter out of some eyes. After all, wasn’t the ‘mournful avenger’ often fueled by a strange satisfaction in their quest? Thoko smiled, and beneath the practiced sincerity, a hint of danger glittered in their eyes.













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