“Child of the Maelstrom” – Microfiction

By khayden


Stars shimmered above the shattered dome. A view to the Maelstrom Reach reflected her eyes, round pools of dread. A mirror to Winna’s own broken soul the moment the Family Alarm began its mournful wail.

For eight years, it had only signaled birthdays (with their stale sugar rations), promotions to heavier armor (that barely fit her plump frame), and those rare good days in this decaying stretch of galaxy. Now, a tremble started in her fingers – too tiny, she knew, for battlefield work. The charity marathon, her hard-won passion project? Might have to wait.

It was the morning of something called an “arr-aign-ment.” Words twisted in her head. Big, scary words she’d overheard, her mind always too-eager to race. She couldn’t be late. Her hand drifted to the alarm clock. Silence. Then dressed in her officer’s attire, struggling with the oversized buckles.

A blink in the mirror, her face solemn even for a child, then ~ the Alarm ー again.

Everyone in the barracks knew (even a Dependent child) when that alarm sounded and flashed that harsh official crimson, it meant war. Bombs, battlefields – whispers of terrors far beyond her skill with ancient munitions. Her stomach churned – the potent Family Alarm cocktail not helping, just making her smaller, weaker.

She forced the inebriating sip. It was protocol. No other word seemed to matter lately.

Loosened inhibitions, they said, heightened reactions under stress. Her limbs buzzed, useless. At least her mind, always buzzing, catalogued possibilities: plea of incompetence (but they’d laugh), fake a broken suit (but she was too good, wasn’t she?), maybe even…the thought snagged on a branch in her immature brain. Protocol over self-preservation. Wasn’t that what had broken her soul? Had it made it too small to begin with? A harsh buzz jolted her.

Commander Anya surveyed the girl – EOD Specialist Salleh, wasn’t she? Too young, too soft. She wouldn’t make it (probably not).

Those plump cheeks, still unlined by the horrors she’d witnessed countless times. A poor child from an even poorer clan playing dress-up in an oversized uniform. That’s all she was.

She forced down a familiar clip of guilt. Dependents weren’t meant for the frontlines, but war didn’t care for niceties. It didn’t care at all.

Salleh’s eyes, round with a mix of fear and that unnervingly keen intelligence, flew to the crimson lights. Not sympathy Anya could offer, nor pity the girl would want. “EOD Specialist Salleh,” she said, voice flat, “Report for deployment.”

It was the best mercy available: the swiftness of orders, the illusion of purpose, anything to drown out the wailing alarm that reminded of her own unspoken doubts. Another child soldier sacrificed on the altar of necessity.

Winna stared up at the ravaged sky. Another star might soon wink out. Maybe her own. It wasn’t the dying she feared, not entirely. It was the knowledge that once again, she’d put duty over desire, followed rules when her heart pounded out a different tune.

The marathon would have to wait. Until the trial ended, or the war. Maybe forever.




それは “アランメント “と呼ばれるものの朝だった。彼女の頭の中で言葉がねじれた。小耳に挟んだ恐ろしく大きな言葉が、彼女の頭の中でねじれた。遅刻は許されない。彼女の手は目覚まし時計に向かった。静寂が訪れた。それから警官の服装に身を包み、特大のバックルと格闘した。




抑制が緩み、ストレス下で反応が高まるのだという。手足はブルブル震え、使い物にならない。少なくとも彼女の心はいつもざわめき、可能性を分類していた: 無能の偽証(でも笑われる)、壊れたスーツの偽証(でも彼女は優秀すぎるだろ)、もしかしたら……その考えは彼女の未熟な脳の枝に引っかかった。自衛よりプロトコール」。それが彼女の魂を壊したのではないだろうか?そのせいで、彼女の魂はもともと小さすぎたのだろうか?厳しいざわめきが彼女を揺り動かした。









World “The Maelstrom Reach” – Year 680K A.H.


  • Setting: The Maelstrom Reach – a fractured galaxy eons past Earth’s prime.
  • History: Shaped by cycles of technologically-driven cosmic war.
  • Culture: Values warrior honor and strategic brilliance, with influences from Mongolian and Kievan Rus (Nomadic Knights) traditions.
  • Technology: Blends the practical with salvaged “MagiGuard” from fallen ages, potentially influenced by Final Fantasy XII’s concepts.
  • Weirdness: Distorted time zones, dimensional rifts, and maybe even sentient AI nebulae add unpredictable, strategically exploitable threats.

The “Future Frontier” Vibe

  • Timescale: We’re so far removed from present-day Earth, humanity as we know it might be unrecognizable. This frees us to be truly creative with the tech and societal changes.
  • Fractured Galaxy: This implies conflict, splintered factions, maybe even zones where the laws of physics themselves are wonky due to war tech.

Mongolian and Kievan Rus Influences

  • Warrior Culture: Expect a society valuing honor, strength, and tactical skill. Battles might even be ritualized in some way, which ties nicely into the game-like feel.
  • Clan Structures: Perhaps instead of countries, there are powerful families or corporations vying for territory, each with their own Druzhina elite units.
  • Aesthetics: Think ornate armor mixed with futuristic gear, harsh landscapes, nomadic strongholds…

Final Fantasy XII Touch

  • Airships and Magitek: I’m picturing a blend of weathered, practical vehicles and sleek craft powered by some form of mystical-seeming energy.
  • Social Inequality: The FFXII world has a stark divide between the elite and downtrodden. We can echo that with the powerful Druzhina and those they’re meant to protect.
  • Myth and Mystery: FFXII has those ancient lost civilizations… our Future Frontier could have ruins holding dangerous, forgotten tech.

Winna’s Fate – “A Child No Longer” – 680.1K A.H.

The war dragged on, a grinding, bloody mess that stole years and comrades from Winna. Yet, her mind honed itself into a weapon just as deadly as the bombs she defused. That buzzing alarm, once the herald of dread, became just another tool. Then came the whispers… faint, like starlight through the shattered dome, promising something beyond this battlefield.

Rumors of rebellion, of a world free from duty’s iron grip. The old Winna would have hesitated, clung to protocol. But years on the brink of annihilation stripped away childish things. She listened to the wind, plotted with trembling yet determined hands. Sabotage, stolen intel, silent messages that built into a chorus of resistance.

It took years, each day a gamble against the watchful eyes of those she once obeyed without question. The escape was a desperate scramble through war-torn ruins, the price of freedom paid in the lives of others. Yet they found it: a hidden world, a society born from defiance. The marathon she’d dreamed of as a girl complete with hundreds of others at her side.

Winna’s frail body wasn’t meant for leadership. Her voice still faltered, but her mind was a weapon they rallied around.

Years bled into decades.

They built, they lived, they remembered. And every time she glanced skyward, past the dome now whole and clear, she wondered if that was her victory? Or had she simply traded one cage for another?

Her end came abruptly. A new recruit’s tea, laced with a fast-acting poison meant for another. Winna, ever the pragmatist, didn’t fight it. Perhaps this too was part of the pattern the whispers had foretold? She passed surrounded by faces not of soldiers, but of family. Young faces, unburdened by the duty that had shattered her own soul.

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