Mastering the Art of Irresistible Fiction: Timeless Techniques from a Legendary Writing Guide

By khayden

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  • The book “Techniques of the Selling Writer” is a valuable resource for writing compelling commercial fiction that sells, despite being written in the 1970s or 80s and containing some outdated cultural perspectives.
  • The book emphasizes that its guidelines are not hard rules, but rather tried and tested tools to help write clearer and more compelling stories.
  • A key framework is the “motivating stimulus and response,” which can be applied at both macro and micro levels to ensure the story always comes back to the character’s reactions and emotions.
  • People read fiction to feel something and experience scenarios they wouldn’t in real life. Stories should focus on pressing the reader’s emotional buttons.
  • Scenes should intensify complications and character reactions, leading to a key question that gets answered or poses a new question for the next chapter.
  • Sequels are the character’s reaction sections where they figure out what to do next and gather strength or allies before the next intensified scene.
  • Great endings box the character in morally and situationally, leading to a satisfying payoff that makes sense based on the character’s actions.
  • Hook readers by immediately establishing the main character, what they want, and the stakes they face.
  • To sell stories in the modern era, consistently publish content related to your writing process and story to prime your audience and avoid starting from zero after long absences.
  • The book provides valuable frameworks for creating compelling characters by fleshing out their backstory, relationships, work, and societal aspects.

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