Secondary Character Send-offs

How I'm closing small plot threads

Writing method: AI brief

Word count: 1397

I coming close to the end of "Gates of Okinawa." That means tying up all important story threads.

Today's focus was on secondary characters. There were some good ones in this story.

Yumi - the best friend

Rika - the serious mage

Agent Judin - the innovative, commanding force

Agent Freya - the sparky skeptic

Agent Tamm - the gentle-hearted balancing force

Mia - the popular girl

Jordan - the "cool" guy outcast

They all brought something interesting to the tale and deserved fitting send offs before the climax. But how to do it?

I decided to set the scene in my old office in Detachment 624. The familiar setting made it easier to focus on the interactions between the characters.

Instead of one large conversation, I broke it up into smaller ones to make it easier.

The result was a serviceable AI-assisted draft. The brief writing method sped up the workflow.

What I miss by using it is running the scene through my minds eye shot for shot. This makes it tougher to get clarity on certain story beats.

But this is fine for now. That's what second drafts are for.

Here's an excerpt:

Judin shook his head, fascinated despite the gravity of the situation. "The Ancient Land... it's unlike anything we've ever encountered. The potential for knowledge, for understanding—"


"Understanding?" Freya scoffed. "While you're busy gawking, our world is being overrun!"


"Is it, though?" Judin questioned. "Or are we witnessing the merger of two realities that were never meant to be separate?"

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