AI-Powered Novel & Readware Experiment: Your Input Wanted!

By khayden

Today is the start of a new project.

“Cereus & Limnic: Escape From Okinawa” has been in development for the last 3 years. But all the work has been in my head. It’s time to bring it to life.

In two and a half years, I’ve visited over a dozen of Okinawa’s smaller islands. That experience (combined with my collective half decade of living in the prefecture) inspired this story.

What’s it about?

In short, aliens, tech, and international conflict. Okinawa is often referred to as a “keystone” of the Pacific. It’s strategic location in the eyes of Japan and the United States is easy to see.

That sounded like a good backdrop for a piece of speculative fiction (don’t you think??)

I’ll explain a little more about the origins of the project.

Glittering Water

It was the bluest water I’d ever seen. This was Maehama Beach on Miyako Island. A sandy strip beach on a sparsely populated island somewhere in the Pacific.

It was there, where the idea for Escape From Okinawa became a reality for me.

The premise was simple. A secretive agent goes on adventure in and around Okinawa and its smaller (lesser known) satellite islands. He has to find a way to evade -or confront- his enemies while fighting a bigger threat to get back home. It was Metal Gear set in Japan with a Chinese-born American as a protagonist.

Who was he fighting? I don’t know.

What’s he trying to do? No clue.

But I wanted to find an excuse to shine a light on all the charming islands I’d visited during my second time living in Okinawa. Because although the islands are similar, they all have slivers of personality and culture that set them apart. You can only appreciate these by living in Okinawa for a while and paying attention to the signs.

I’ve done that. Now I’m writing a story about it.

Language Love

I also happen to speak (and read) a large amount of Japanese. In addition to understanding a respectable amount of Mandarin Chinese.

This made me want to explore a story that blends all three cultures: American, Chinese, and Japanese in a single story. I love writing stories that display cultural distinctions, but also show how similar we all are in the end. “Cereus & Limnic: Escape From Okinawa” will be that story.

Making it a bi-lingual story (there will be two versions like a generation of Pokemon) serves two purposes:

  1. It allows access for two cultures I’m very familiar with (American and Japanese culture)
  2. It acts as a “capstone” project for my Japanese language ability

I’ve been studying Japanese off and on for over 20 years. Currently, my skill is the best it’s ever been (I was reading my first full novel in Japanese). I wanted to find a way to test my Japanese that demonstrates my proficiency in the language while doing something I love: storytelling.

This doesn’t include just translating text. I also plan to include audio recordings as a supplement to the main narratives. Am I ready to do Japanese voice acting?

To be honest, I’m not sure.

I can speak the Japanese I know pretty well and can read decently. BUT, I’ve never voice acted in the language before.

I’ve spent the last year plus grinding Japanese. I’ve absorbed dozens of hours of audio, learned hundreds of Kanji characters, and spent hundreds of hours reading, shadowing, listening and speaking the language.

Even with all that, I don’t know if it will be enough to pull this off. But I’m willing to try.

The Plan

Like most of my projects, this one is plenty ambitious. The aim is to produce the following end products in 90 days or less.

  • 1 English language novel (Li Ma)
  • 1 Japanese language novel (Sharla Kinjo)
  • 1 picture book of Okinawa islands
  • 1 video course (How to write a novel with AI)
  • 1 soundtrack
  • 1 audio log of character conversations

Now the soundtrack won’t be very long and the novels will be nowhere as long as the original Cereus & Limnic. However, this is still a lot of work in a relatively brief time period.

I’m hoping my new AI-powered workflow will help speed things along. I’ve experimented with it enough in the last year to make it a real force multiplier and have it shave production time down by months. This is especially true when it comes to writing the novels, which will probably take up the most time.

Where you come in

This novel is also interactive.

I’m curious to see how the “readware” concept plays out with a work of fiction.

Don’t know what it is?

“Readware” is my name for books that are upgradeable like software. Instead of waiting for a new release, you can influence the original book with tweaks to the characters, scenes, etc. It sounds good on paper, but who knows how it will play out in practice.

Interested in participating?

To read more, go here.

I’m also planning to iterate on my AI novel writing newsletter “Novel Commander.” This project has already become bigger than I imagined it would be, so I won’t have time to facilitate an entire curriculum.

Instead, I plan on recording my writing sessions and making them available to anyone who wants to learn how to write a novel in record time using the latest AI writing techniques.

For a fee, these videos will inform your own writing and help you launch your own writing project.

Writing (dev) log

Just like software devs might publish a dev log to describe the evolution of certain software, I’m doing the same with these books (hence this initial entry).

I won’t do them daily. But I will strive to put one up when I strike through a major checklist item or hit significant milestones in development.

This will be an easy way for you to stay involved and up-to-date with the process.

That’s all for this initial entry. Look out for more dev logs as I publish them.



「Cereus & Limnic: 沖縄から逃げろ! 」は、この3年間、開発中だった。しかし、すべての作業は私の頭の中にあった。今こそ命を吹き込むときだ。
















そのため、私は3つの文化を融合させた物語を作りたいと思うようになった: アメリカ人、中国人、そして日本人。私は、文化の違いを示しながらも、最終的には私たちが皆似ていることを示す物語を書くのが好きなのです。「セレウスとリムニック: Cereus & Limnic: Escape From Okinawa(セレウスとリムニック:沖縄から逃げろ!)』はそのような物語になるでしょう。
















キャラクターの会話音声ログ 1本







“リードウェア “とは、ソフトウェアのようにアップグレード可能な書籍のことを私はこう呼んでいる。新しいリリースを待つ代わりに、キャラクターやシーンなどに手を加えてオリジナルの本に影響を与えることができる。紙の上では良さそうだが、実際にどうなるかは誰にもわからない。









