I Open-Sourced my Novel (and started translating it) – Here’s why

By khayden

Before I get going on my second novel, I’m revisiting my first.

The military game-tech fiction novel Cereus & Limnic will be rereleased as “Cereus & Limnic: Second Evolution” very soon.

This won’t just be the same story with a new cover (although I did make a new cover). I also want it to include remixed takes and additions on the original story. I even have ideas for alternate endings!

This is New Game+ novel style. That’s where the open-source comes in.

It’s come to my attention many on social media (and in general) don’t care about fiction. This wounds me. Stories are where we store our secret knowledge. We need more new ones to define our rapidly changing times.

If you’re a writer (or if you’re not one and you always wanted to try) now’s your chance to contribute to a real book.

I want to include remixes, fan fiction, or weird interpretations of my story in this highly experimental second edition.

Why participate?

Because you’ll get your words into a real author’s book (you’ll be published). Because you’ll grow as a writer or author feeling your way around a new genre. Because you’ll be recognized as a “book developer” in the final book.

Is that enough?

I hope so. If you’re interested, hit the button below to find out more.

Cereus & Limnic goes to Japan

I went back and forth over this, but yesterday I decided to go ahead and commit to translating all of Cereus & Limnic into Japanese.

As you can see, I formatting it in the style of a traditional Japanese novel.

This no small feat. The original novel is over 155,000 words. And while my Japanese is good, it’s not write and translate a science fiction novel good.

How will I do this?

Why am I torturing myself?

I’ll answer the first question. The answer is AI.

Three years ago, I approached a Japanese translator about converting my book into Japanese. She quoted me something like $20K USD for a job that might have taken 6 or 7 months. Ouch.

Flash forward to today, by using AI chatbots like Claude and ChatGPT, I can translate, proofread, and localize (make it sound natural) my entire novel on my own.

I’ll do it for $40 (the cost of the subscriptions) and I can get it done in 7 days.

I worked on it for about 3 hours yesterday. (Half of that time was navigating the needlessly complicated Microsoft Word to understand how to format in Japanese book style.)

But in the rest of the time? I racked up 7K+ beautifully formatted Japanese prose. I’m impressed with the progress.

That brings me to “why” I’m doing this.

There are a few reasons. The first is to further stress test my Japanese. Even though I have the technology to guide the project, I still do a lot of manual reading and tweaking of the manuscript.

It helps that not only can I understand the majority of the output, but I can read it to further engage with my growing Japanese audience.

Speaking of Japanese audience, that’s the second reason I decided to do the translation. I didn’t want to leave them out if the prequel story “Cereus & Limnic: Escape From Okinawa” takes off over here.

I flashed forward to 2 years from now when the prequel has become popular. What’s the next thing a fan of the prequel would want to do? Read the first book. Naturally.

So this is me getting ahead of the curve while introducing the Japanese market to my writing and the world of military game tech fiction.

The final reason is, the Japanese language is so beautiful, I couldn’t pass up the chance to see my first book in print in this language that’s been with me most of my adult life.

In many ways this is a victory lap for me. Over my initial intimidation of Japanese, over all the starts and stops and awkward conversations, here I am displaying my language literacy while doing something I deeply enjoy – telling stories.

It’s a dream come true. I’m so happy to be sharing it with you.



ミリタリーゲーム技術小説『セレウスとリムニック』を『セレウスとリムニック』として再販する: “セカンド・エボリューション “だ。


これはNew Game+の小説スタイルだ。そこでオープンソースの出番だ。























日本の読者といえば、それが私が翻訳をしようと決めた2つ目の理由だ。前日譚の『セレウスとリムニック』が軌道に乗れば、彼らを置いてけぼりにしたくなかったのだ: 前日譚の『セレウスとリムニック:沖縄からの脱出』が日本でヒットしたら、彼らを置いてけぼりにしたくなかったのだ。




