Translating My Novel with AI: A Birthday Breakthrough – 私の小説をAIで翻訳:誕生日のブレイクスルー

By khayden

Another 7 chapters translated yesterday on Day 4. I’m about halfway done with the project.

Last night, I took a break to go out with my wife and two friends to celebrate my birthday. We went to a local yakiniku restaurant, then to sing karaoke after.

The meal was amazing, but it was at karaoke that I noticed the difference this massive translation project has had on my Japanese level.

I can read chunks of natural Japanese text much more easily now.

(How can I be that much better in 4 days??)

This is another benefit of using AI to translate my own writing. As it generates, I proofread it (in Japanese) manually. This forces me to see a TON of words and sentences at a rate much faster than if I were translating manually using standard CAT tools.

A check the output. Nearly 300 pages of a highly accurate translation of my story into another language.

This is a workflow never seen before.

It’s also done something else for me: reconfirmed that AI can be an enhancer, but humans are still needed to provide context, direction, and overall quality control.

There have been multiple moments during this project where what ChatGPT or Claude served up did not agree with my taste or story. That’s when I’d step in and manually adjust the output.

I don’t think you could get a good output without decent ability or cultural awareness of the target language.

Today is Sunday. The plan is to do less translation, but now that I’m nearly halfway, I’m even more motivated to press on until the end.

Hey thanks for reading my blog!

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僕のミリタリーゲーム技術小説「Cereus & Limnic」のリミックス版に自分の作品を載せることに興味がある小説家はいないかい?セカンド・エボリューション」に興味がある?
